Events Calendar
June 21 2019
4 General CLE Credits Anticipated
Check-in | Registration - 12:15 PM - 12:55 PM
Program - 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Ralph Carr Justice Center | 1300 Broadway, Rm 1D
CCDB | ADC Members: $75 - Two-hour program
Non-Member Rate: $100
Advanced Evidence: Combating Deceptive or Misleading Evidence: Ever wondered how to prevent the prosecution from getting away with presenting misleading information to the jury, casting your client in a negative light, or precluding you from presenting exculpatory evidence to the Jury? Wonder no more, the CCDB is going to help quip you with some of the tools you'll need to combat these disruptive prosecutorial practices and level the playing field. Come to our Advanced Evidence CLE and learn how to use the Rule of Completeness, C.R.E. 404(b), and Colorado's "Rape Shield" law to turn the table in your favor.
For Agenda and Registration: CCDB/OADC Advanced Evidence CLE