Events Calendar
We have partnered with the Colorado State Public Defender’s Office and developed a comprehensive training that competency expert, Kristen Nelson, will deliver all over Colorado. Because this is such an important topic and one that is ripe for training, we are hopeful that you will find a way to attend this training at some point in the next few months. OADC Contractors are welcome to attend any one of the 15 free trainings and our goal is to offer a session that is close (ish) to you, so you can attend in person. Please note: Kristen’s training tour around the state will end with a training at the Ralph Carr Building in early March.
* When to raise competency
* How to identify mental illness and communicate with clients living with mental health conditions
* What the Bridges Program is supposed to do and how to get your client out-of-custody restoration services/ for restoration
* When you can move to dismiss for a person who has not been or cannot be, restored to competency
Thursday, December 19th, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.