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Events Calendar

I Have Been 35(c)ed; Now What?
Tuesday 27 August 2024, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
Hits : 140
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Ive Been 35c ed Now What Image Header with August 27 date

Who: All OADC contractors! Every contractor type is welcome to join.

What: Many attorneys are alarmed when they are notified that a former client has filed a 35(c) post-conviction relief petition. This session will inform attorneys of their duty to their former client and the Strickland standards for a 35(c). The CLE will differentiate between ineffective assistance of counsel, the rules of professional conduct, and malpractice. The session will outline the procedure of a 35(c), the goals and objectives of a post-conviction case, and how you, as the former attorney, fit into this puzzle.

Presented by David Beller, Recht Kornfeld PC.

When: Tuesday, August 27th, from 12 PM to 1 PM. This session will not be recorded.

Where: Zoom

Pricing: $45 for OADC Contractors

Registration is housed on the CCDB website (link below), so you will be redirected there. You do not need to be a CCDB member to register and get the member rate. We never want finances to be a barrier to training - scholarships are available for ADC contractors. Please reach out to Erin or Lori.

WHAT ELSE: 1 Ethics CLE anticipated

This CLE will review the following cases and Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct:

· Strickland v. People, 594 P.2d 578 (1979)

· Rule 1.6. Confidentiality of Information

· Rule 1.9. Duties to Former Clients

· Rule 1.16A. Client File Retention

· Rule 3.3. Candor Toward the Tribunal

· Rule 3.7. Lawyer as Witness

· Rule 8.3. Reporting Professional Misconduct

· Rule 8.4. Misconduct


Location Zoom

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