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Denver, CO 80203

Office of the Alternate Defense Counsel Blog

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Inclusivity Attorney Fellowship

Inclusivity Attorney Fellowship
We are excited to announce that the Office of Alternate Defense Counsel (OADC) is currently hiring an Inclusivity Attorney Fellow. The fellowship opportunity is the ultimate public-private partnership, whereby the fellow would receive a state employee position for up to two years while they develop their criminal defense skillset and their emerging future businesses and criminal defense practice.  

These two-year funded fellowships provide the ideal opportunity to lay the groundwork for launching your business as an independent contractor upon completing the fellowship. With the innovative structure of this fellowship and the backing of the OADC team, you'll receive support in establishing your private practice, non-profit, or law firm.  

The Inclusivity Attorney Fellowship Job Description is here: 2024 Inclusivity Fellow Description.

The link to apply is here: https://fs2.formsite.com/OADC/kfkan8uwmh/index

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 PM on September 19, 2024.

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17 Sep 2024;
12:00PM - 04:00PM
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20 Sep 2024;
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27 Sep 2024;
12:00PM - 04:00PM
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25 Oct 2024;
10:00AM - 12:00PM
OADC Commission Meeting
30 Oct 2024;
09:00AM - 04:00PM
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